Support State Parks

We need your support to continue improving South Carolina State Parks. The Beautiful Places Alliance is a not-for-profit foundation established for the protection and continuity of our state parks. The Alliance provides funding for enhanced park programs that promote learning and the appreciation of natural resources, sustainable environmental initiatives to enhance visitor experiences, and the preservation of natural and cultural assets for current and future generations. Your donation won’t be used to cover salaries or any administrative costs.

Make an online donation or learn more about how you can help protect South Carolina's State Parks here.

Donate to State Parks at tax time:

The South Carolina State Park Service hopes you will remember your state parks at tax time. You can do that by designating donations on the Schedule I-330, Contributions for Check-Offs form, when you file your South Carolina Individual Income Tax Return.

Your contribution will support the natural and cultural beauty that you enjoy in state parks. Contributions are only used for physical improvements and will not be used for daily operations.

For more information on this and other fundraising efforts for South Carolina's State Parks, including how residents from other states can contribute, contact Lou Fontana at 803.734.1368.