Destination Specific Tourism Marketing Grant

The funding for this program is governed by Proviso 49.2 and Proviso 49.16 in the Appropriations Act for Budget Year 2024-25. The application is available to view and download below. 

Grant applications will be accepted by the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism for the first review cycle beginning July 1, 2024 until close-of-business on July 17, 2024. Organizations submitting grant applications for the first review cycle will be notified of the results of their application no later than August 15, 2024.

Recurring Destination Specific Funds will be available for disbursement at the time of award. If the Appropriations Act includes nonrecurring funding for Destination Specific, grantees will be notified by SCPRT once those non-recurring funds become available for disbursement. Non-recurring funds are usually available for disbursement by October 31.

If any recurring or non-recurring Destination Specifics funds remain unallocated after the first grant cycle, subsequent grant applications will be accepted by the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism on the 1st day of each quarter beginning in December 2024. Grants submitted will be evaluated and notification will be made to the requesting organization by the 15th of the following month.

The Destination Specific Reporting spreadsheet must be used for reporting the required financial information on November 1 as required by the enabling proviso. This spreadsheet will supplement other reporting requirements outlined in the proviso. Destination Marketing Organizations are encouraged to provide samples of materials and research-based information, such as occupancy rates, RevPAR, tax information etc., to support the program and demonstrate by proven research statistics how the program provides significant return to the State of South Carolina.

Destination Specific Tourism Marketing Grant Application FY25: PDF (preferred) | Word

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